
Pan-Asian American Graduate Student Association University of Pennsylvania


We, the members of the “Pan-Asian American Graduate Student Association” at the University of Pennsylvania do hereby establish this constitution to formalize the principles and procedures of this Organization.


The name of this Organization shall be “Pan-Asian American Graduate Student Association”, henceforth referred to as “PAAGSA”


The purpose of PAAGSA shall be to enhance the quality of life for Asian and Asian American graduate and professional students, through a centralized, campus-wide organizational structure that address their academic, social, political, and cultural needs and concerns through programming, services, and advocacy. PAAGSA shall facilitate dialogue across the different graduate and professional constituencies of the University of Pennsylvania; the administration, communicating directly with the Vice Provost of University Life; the cultural centers, through the Pan-Asian American Community House (PAACH); and the greater Philadelphia community. PAAGSA is committed to upholding and abiding by all policies and requisites set forth by the University of Pennsylvania


PAAGSA is an Organization designed to represent and meet the needs of Asian and Asian American students. Membership can be established through e-mail to the Secretary or equivalent acting official, or attendance to PAAGSA board meetings or events.

Individual membership in PAAGSA is open to any graduate or professional student at the University of Pennsylvania.

Group membership is offered to any constituent or affinity groups that directly contribute to the purpose of PAAGSA.

Members are entitled to entrance into all PAAGSA events and meetings, as well as access to all services provided by the Organization.


  1. Current enrollment in the University
  2. Attendance at more than 50% of events in a given academic semester.

In addition to entrance into all PAAGSA events and meetings, and access to services provided by the Organization, ACTIVE MEMBERS will be granted Organization voting privileges and access to special amenities as determined by the PAAGSA Executive Board.

PAAGSA openly admits students to its membership and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religious creed, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran stats or any other basis protected by law.


PAAGSA will be governed by an executive board composed of the following:

  1. PRESIDENT: The President shall:
    1. Oversee the actions and decisions of the Organization;
    2. Represent PAAGSA on committees and panels as designated by the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA), the University, the Executive Board, or General Body membership;
    3. Maintain the power and authority to appoint committee chairpersons, with majority consent of the Executive Board.
  2. VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING: The VP of Marketing shall:
    1. Manage the brand and reputation of PAAGSA;
    2. Promote PAAGSA through establishing and managing the PAAGSA website and social media;
    3. Recruit and outreach to prospective members and constituent groups;
    4. Initiate e-mail, written, and/or oral communications, as required, with all PAAGSA members to ensure maximum access to information and participation in meetings and events;
    5. Record or delegate the task of recording meeting minutes and following up.
  3. VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE: The VP of Finance shall:
    1. Manage all fiscal transactions and maintain accurate financial records on behalf of PAAGSA;
    2. Arrange and allocate money for each committee or event and oversee reimbursements for programming;
    3. Liaise with the University Budget Officer to conduct the Organization’s budget and ensure that all non-accruable fiscal allotments are expended by the end of the year;
    4. Keep the Executive Board, and as needed, the Membership, informed of all PAAGSA balances, debits, and credits by generating a comprehensive annual report to be presented at the final Executive Board meeting of the academic year;
    5. Identify and prepare documents on potential sources of funding and procedures for obtaining funding during the Executive Board transition period;
    6. Apply for GAPSA and other internal sources of funding as soon as they become available.
  4. VICE PRESIDENT OF SOCIAL PROGRAMMING: The VP of Social Programming shall:
    1. Plan at least two (2) social events per semester;
    2. Work with other Vice Presidents to ensure successful planning and execution of programming;
    3. Review and maintain records of planning, volunteers, participants, and partners for past events;
    4. Conduct surveys with the Membership for programming ideas and programming evaluation;
    5. Collect or delegate collection of archives, e.g. photographs, articles, marketing materials, etc. for social programming events.
  5. VICE PRESIDENT OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMMING: The VP of Academic Programming shall:
    1. Plan at least one (1) academic events per semester.
    2. Work with other Vice Presidents to ensure successful planning and execution of programming;
    3. Review and maintain records of planning, volunteers, participants, and partners for past events;
    4. Conduct surveys with the Membership for programming ideas and programming evaluation;
    5. Collect or delegate collection of archives, e.g. photographs, articles, marketing materials, etc. for social programming events.
  6. VICE PRESIDENT OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS: The VP of Community Relations shall:
    1. Establish and maintain relationships with student groups on the basis of future co-sponsorship opportunities;
    2. Establish and maintain relationships with outside professional and student groups on the basis of co-sponsorship opportunities;
    3. Maintain relationship with the Pan-Asian American Community House (PAACH), as well as the University administration;
    4. Report back to the Executive Board with updates from these organizations.
  7. SENIOR ADVISORS: Senior Advisors shall:
    1. Be previous members of the Executive Board;
    2. Enable the transfer of knowledge from Board Members during transition periods;
    3. Advise the Executive Board on decisions pertaining to the goals and purpose of the Organization.


The standing committees of PAAGSA shall be:

  1. Public Relations
    • The VP of Marketing and the VP of Community Relations shall advise the Public Relations Committee.
  1. Community Service and Advocacy
  • The VP of Community of Relations and the VP of Academic Programming shall advise the Community Service and Advocacy Committee.
  1. Academic and Social Programming
  • The VP of Academic Programming and the VP of Social Programming shall advise the Academic and Social Programming Committee.

Committee Leads will be selected by spring election. If no Lead is elected in the spring, the Executive Board can appoint a Lead in the fall. Additional committees may be formed and dissolved by the President with consensus approval of the Executive Board.


PAAGSA Executive board meetings shall be held twice a month, with the exception of months with less than 20 academic days, which shall have one meeting a month. Officers must attend meetings.


Nominations shall be accepted from any Member during the election period.

Standard Election Process
After the Executive Board has accepted nominations, candidates will have the opportunity to give speeches, followed by a question and answer session.

After all speeches and question and answer sessions have concluded, the Executive Board will initiate a secret ballot in which eligible voting members of PAAGSA will have the opportunity to select their candidates.

All officers of the Executive Board shall be elected by a majority vote of eligible voting members of PAAGSA. Members of the existing board have the same voting rights as general active members, with exception of the President. The President may only vote in the case of a tie. All elections will be held on an annual basis during the spring semester.

Special Elections Process
If officers of the Executive Board vacate their position before completion of their term, a special election may be held to fill their position for the remainder of the term. Interim officers of the Executive Board shall be elected by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Terms of Office
Terms of office for all Executive Board positions shall last until the termination of the academic year. The term begins when all Executive Board positions are filled and ends at the end of the transition period.

Removal of Officers
Officers may be removed at the request of an ACTIVE MEMBER by means of a written notice of charges. Motions to remove shall require a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of the ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP.


All budgetary allotment from GAPSA and other entities will be expended for the benefit for the Organization, constituency groups, and/or its member in line with the goals outlined in Article II


Amendments to the constitution may be proposed in writing by any ACTIVE MEMBER of PAAGSA at any meeting at which two-thirds of the Executive Board is present. Proposed amendments will become effective following approval by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board


The PAAGSA constitution shall be established by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the Organization.

The PAAGSA constitution shall be reviewed each year after each election by the Executive Board to ensure that it accurately and comprehensively represents the missions and procedures of PAAGSA.