Seek Perfection of Character
Be Faithful
Respect others
Refrain from violent behavior

Hitotsu! Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuro koto.
Hitotsu! Makato no michi o mamoro koto.
Hitotsu! Doryoku no seishin o yashinau koto.
Hitotsu! Reigi o omonzoro koto.
Hitotsu! Kekki no yi o o imashimoro koto.

karate do - empty handed way
Shomen - front of the dojo
shihan - master
sensei - teacher
sempai - senior student
kohai - junior student
dojo - training hall
obi - belt
seiza - kneel
mokuso - meditate
rei - bow
yoi - ready
hajime - begin
yame - stop
naote - relax
hidari - left
migi - right
jodan - upper
chudan - middle
gedan - lower
dachi - stance
zuki - punch
uchi - strike
uke - block
geri - kick

kizami zuki - jab
choku zuki - straight punch
oi zuki - step forward punch
gyaku zuki - reverse punch
uraken - back fist
tetsui - hammer fist
empi uchi - elbow strike
nukite- spear hand strike
shuto - knife hand

jodan age uke - upper rising block
gedan barai - lower block/parry
ude/soto uke - outside in middle block
uchi uke - inside out middle block
shuto uke - sword hand block

zenkutsu dachi - front stance
kokutsu dachi - back stance
kiba dachi - horse stance
neko ashi dachi - cat stance
hangetsu dachi - hourglass stance
sochin dachi - rooted stance

mae geri - front snap kick
yoko geri keage - side snap kick
yoko geri kekomi - side thrust kick
mika zuki geri - crescent kick
mawashi geri - roundhouse kick
tobi geri - jump kick
ni mae geri - double front kick
ushiro geri kekomi - back thrust kick

Heian Shodan - Peaceful Mind First Level
Heian Nidan - Peaceful Mind Second Level
Heian Sandan - Peaceful Mind Third Level
Heian Yondan - Peaceful Mind Fourth Level
Heian Godan - Peaceful Mind Fifth Level

Tekki Shodan - Iron Horse Riding First Level
Tekki Nidan - Iron Horse Riding Second Level
Tekki Sandan - Iron Horse Riding Third Level

Bassai Dai - Penetrating the Fortress Major
Bassai Sho - Penetrating the Fortress Minor

Kanku Dai - Viewing the Sky Major
Kanku Sho - Viewing the Sky Minor

Empi - Flying Swallow
Jion - From the temple of Jion
Hangetsu - Half Moon
Jitte - Ten Hands
Gankaku - Crane on a Rock
Sochin - Half Moon
Nijushiho - 24 steps
Chinte - Strange Hands
Ji-in - Temple grounds
Unsu - Cloud Hands
Wankan - Kings Crown
Meikyo - Brightly Polished Mirror
Gojushiho Sho - 54 steps Minor
Gojushiho Dai - 54 steps Major