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Philly Gamers is a non-profit loose-knit society formed of an alliance between the various gaming groups and roleplayers in the greater metropolitan Philadelphia area. The members of this alliance are fully independent gaming clubs, stores, and individuals who use the Philly Gamers Network to share information, find new members, and leverage activities while retaining their sovereignty.

Philly Gamers members communicate mainly via an e-mail mailing list hosted by the Penn Gamers Club ( Announcements of new games forming, players wanted, store sales, and other activities are broadcast on it regularly, as well as some discussion of area gaming topics. Philly Gamers also maintains this website and an archive of gaming groups, campaigns, and announcements for its members. For more details on taking advantage of these, visit the Resources page.

Philly Gamers welcomes any and all mature gamers and gaming groups interested in playing games, sharing resources, and pooling efforts to promote gaming in the Philadelphia area.

Some Answers to Frequently Asked Questions:
What do you mean by gaming?

Gaming as defined by the club is any non-sport, non-traditional recreational group activity. What this boils down to is that we play board games, collectible card games, roleplaying games, war games, computer games, video games, Internet MOOs, MUDs, and MUSHs. We play chess, bridge, poker, mah-jong, et al. as well, we just don't go out of our way to support it as these games have major organizations devoted to them already.

What about gamers close-by in Southern Jersey, Delaware and Eastern Pennsylvania?

Everyone who considered themselves concerned with Philadelphia gaming is welcome to join. Our members go to southern Jersey gaming cons, after all. However, we request that the network be used only for Philadelphia related subjects; except for major conventions, events posted to the network should take place in Greater Philadelphia, i.e. within the city limits and immediate suburbs. We would love to help gamers in Princeton find players for their games there, but it would soon overwhelm the list.

How much does this cost?

Absolutely nothing. Currently Philly Gamers collects no dues, or donations. We rely entirely on the kindness of the member organizations in hosting our network. Now, several of the member organizations may charge dues for membership in their specific group; please refer to each organization's information for details.

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Last Modified: 9/27/97