
This resource list is a copy of information that can be found at the Pan-Asian American Community House (PAACH). Check out their website for more information.

Graduate Organizations

GAPSA - Graduate and Professional Student Assembly

The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA) is the official student government body for graduate and professional students at Penn, representing over 10,000 students across twelve graduate schools.

BGAPSA - Black Graduate and Professional Student Assembly

The Purpose of the Black Graduate and Professional Students Assembly (BGAPSA) shall be to enhance the quality of life for graduate and professional students of the African Diaspora at the University of Pennsylvania through a centralized, campus-wide organizational structure that addresses their academic, social, political and cultural needs and concerns. BGAPSA seeks to act as a support mechanism that will assist students in becoming acclimated to the university. Further, BGAPSA shall act as their advocate, lobby and political voice campus-wide.

LAGAPSA - Latin American and Latino/a Graduate and Professional Student Assembly

LAGAPSA, the Latin American and Latino/a Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, works to enhance the quality of life for graduate and professional students of Latin American, Latino and/or Hispanic descent at the University of Pennsylvania. Through programming, services, and advocacy, we aim to act as both lobbyists and the campus-wide political voice of our communities.

Rangoli - the Indian Association at Penn

Rangoli is a University of Pennsylvania organization, that was formed to prolong our culture, and rekindle the spirit of various Indian traditions and festivals with verve and vigor. Rangoli is proud to embark upon its fourteenth year as it continues to be one of Penn's completely incorporated organizations. We are open to every member of Penn's community as we try to reach out to the various other cultural groups. Rangoli receives its funds from the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, GAPSA.